
Monday, January 07, 2008

Mothership - Led Zeppelin..

Led Zeppelin in my book is just classic. Their sounds transcend the generation gap in which a new listener listening today will still find the music relevant and enticing. i recently purchased the compilation album - Mothership. these guys rock. listening to these guys play one can't help but wonder the many other acts that they have inspired. best gila.


Jannah said...

Oh CD kamu ke tu? I thought Didie punye. I'm listening to them at the moment. Baru tahu D'Yer Mak'er tu asal from them.

My fave song is All My Love. Sexeh.

Thanks for buying the album!

Dilip Mutum said...

My all time fav band. They had some concerts here but couldn't get my hands on any tickets.